Hey everybody-
Because we wanted to get you all out of rehearsal on time and cram as much in as we could, I didn't really get to say what I wanted to at the end of rehearsal. I'm psyched at how far we have come in the first 6 days of camp. Think back to what we did the first day (simple forwards and backwards, posture, style, etc.) to what we finished yesterday (marched through the entire 43 chart drill).
That kind of progress is amazing. I could tell from some people's expressions that there was a decent level of frustration and confusion since we poured through the charts so fast. That frustration and confusion is OK and normal after doing what we just did. If you are confused and lost during some portions of the drill, you are not behind (at this point in the season).
Take time today to relax and enjoy non-marching band life for awhile. Before Wednesday, be sure to look at your music and really start to get those parts under your fingers. Try playing the last 8 bars of a piece and work your way back to the beginning by gradually adding a couple of measures to memory each time. The more that you go through it, the more you will actually know it.
Again - Great job during the past three days, and be ready to work and clean each one of those tunes over the next 4 days of camp. I'm going to try and post the drill charts in a PDF format on charms for those people that didn't get everything during the last three days of camp. I hope to have that up by the end of 8/17.
Until Wednesday-
Mr. K
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